

The best resume services will know how to SELL your value to employers in 2011. Your value will shine through in every line of the resume -- from A to Z.

Although most resume writers do write in good English, very few also know how to SELL you on paper. That is a sad fact! (Inexperienced writers use flowery language and usually tend to exaggerate. They also use 30-50 black bullets to make the resume look "pretty" but these dingbats do absolutely nothing for you.)

Sadly, 95% of job seekers DON'T sell themselves in a resume or cover letter and need help. But the awful reality is that inexperienced resume writers DON'T know how to write in the business language of employers. They also don't know how to present your achievements in order to market or sell you -- even if they charge a lot ($695) or a little ($75)! For example, if a writer starts a SENIOR executive resume with: "Dedicated, self-motivated, self-starter ....." he or she is obviously an amateur and you will be wasting your time and money!

Checking out and choosing a good resume writing service in 2011 is crucial. A good resume writer will sell or market your value and help you beat the competition for jobs. So, check out your resume service and ask WHO will be writing your resume.

In my own resume service, I do all of the writing myself. Because I wrote a best-selling book, Winning Resumes (Penguin), I feel I don't need a fancy resume Certificate as well to prove that I can write a resume. I have hundreds of testimonials from satisfied and successful clients. [ http://www.winning-resumes.com/testimonials.htm ]

Not every writer has the skill or expertise required to create a winning resume or marketing tool for 2011. Second-class writers DON'T know how to "sell" or market you on paper. Inexperienced writers use resume templates or readymade Resume Wizards. Others send your work overseas. It is called "outsourcing".

You need to be very careful to avoid the cheap resume writing "factories". Your resume will look the same as hundreds of others! (One reason for this is that they copy readymade job descriptions from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.)

Also, the larger resume firms tend to farm out the writing to inexperienced homemakers. Recently, I was asked to redo a few resumes that had not been prepared by the expert writer in charge of this highly respected firm but by "Betty", "Jim" and "Sally" – his/her inexperienced assistants.

Big resume firms farm out (outsource) resume writing to part-time writers who lack the experience to create a truly effective, high-quality resume. They'll write yours in the flowery language of literature instead of using the employer's own words. When you read the words "stellar accomplishments" or other exaggerations you'll understand what I am saying.

WHO will be writing your resume?

In some resume services they claim to have a "team of expert resume writers" with "30 years experience" waiting to assist you. Teams DON'T write resumes. How will you check out the expertise of the one who will be doing your resume? You can't!!!

Many resume services are only "paper mills" or resume factories who churn out the same weak resumes year after year. They prepare very basic resumes, not focused or tailored ones for today's employers.

This won't help you at all. In fact, you will lose job opportunities or get hired for a lower-paying position than you deserve!

Checking out a resume writing service is NOT easy. Do they have lots of testimonials to show?

A good resume service CAN'T prepare a winning resume only from a completed Questionnaire or Form. They also need to INTERACT by phone and email with each client to obtain additional, valuable information.

Typing services also offer to help you and so does every corner print shop. But neither has the required resume-writing know-how or self-marketing expertise.

And those resume outfits who advertise "from $9" will definitely charge you a further $100 to $200. Their inferior resume products will cost you dearly in lost job and career opportunities.

Resume writers DON'T all have the same experience or degree of expertise. Many are unskilled amateurs. Only 1 in 20 really know what he/she is doing!

What to look for in a resume service:

1. Do they offer a FREE evaluation of your existing resume or of your needs? Will it be a detailed review or will you receive the same "boilerplate" response they send to every client? (SOME USE A BOILERPLATE TEMPLATE OR FORM AND ONLY CHANGE A FEW LINES. One $695 resume outfit on the West Coast does this.)

2. Do they have HUNDREDS of testimonials from satisfied clients? Only a few letters can easily be faked! [ http://www.winning-resumes.com/testimonials.htm ]

3. Do they quote you scare statistics that "only one in 245 resumes results in a job interview," or "only one in 1,470 resumes results in a job offer". These figures are 45 years old and no longer true. A skilled resume writer can help you beat 400 other applicants!

4. WHO will be assisting you with your resume? Will it be the same person who sells you on using their service?

5. Does the resume writer guarantee you anything? Be very careful.

6. Do they promise to deliver your work in only a few hours? If so, they may be a resume factory.

7. Do they quote you a price or fee less than $95? Experienced resume writers cannot charge such a small amount for hours of skilled professional work. On the other hand, $695 may be excessive, except for C-level senior executives.

In short, skilled resume writers are craftspersons who help you MARKET your skills and strengths in the best way. But most resume services are simply paper mills or factories. Avoid them like the plague!

The rates of a highly skilled professional like Matthew Greene may vary from $75 for a one-page revamp to $250+ for senior executives. The price will depend on the work to be done. But this could help you find a job in a fraction of the time. That, in turn, will earn and/or save you hundreds and thousands of $ $ $.

In fact, hiring a skilled writer in 2011 may help you to rescue your entire career!

[To choose a reliable resume service in 2011, how to write focused and tailored resumes to beat this recession, and today's best executive F-O-R-M-A-T-S. Please visit: http://www.sample-resumes-tips.com/ ]


Tel.: 1-718-436-3504

Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved.

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Anonymous said...

You make a great case for the importance of resumes in a job search. I have argued that the resume is the centerpiece of a job search; an organizing force that brings all the elements of the job search together. I also believe that the process of preparing the resume is the best interview preparation a person could have. You could also do everyone a service by addressing the fill-in-the-blanks, cookie-cutter resume creation software that cranks out generic "resumes" that are harming careers.

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Shruti Jain

Robb said...
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Monu said...

They also use 30-50 black bullets to make the resume look "pretty" but these dingbats do absolutely nothing for you.write my argumentative essay

paulsmith198914@gmail.com said...

As a rule, the price always depends on the work to be done! Find any writing service to fix your writings or to make significant changes in them!


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