

Will it pay you to get professional help? Is it a good idea to spend money on a resume? Please review some of the possible benefits in the tabulation below:
Do you also know how much money you are losing by being out of work or not receiving the benefit of a 15 to 17 percent salary increase on accepting a new job? Please scroll down for six inches! Sorry.


Money You Lose Per Month if you are out of work:

If still employed in the wrong job, you lose wages by missing out on the 15% raise in a new job:



- $625


- $6,250

- $938


- $8,333

- $1,250



- $1,875


- $16,667

- $2,500


- $25,000

- $3,750

Can you afford NOT to have your resume improved by a skilled professional?

To spend money on your resume will truly be money very well spent. It will be far better and more cost effective than trying to write it yourself. Why?
Most job seekers CAN'T write a focused resume that will beat the competition in 2011. That's why most resumes get screened out and don't make it to first base. It will pay you handsomely to spend money on a resume and get professional help.

Skilled writers are trained to help you. They will advance your future career -- and EARNINGS. Professional help gives you a competitive edge or advantage. You need that!
The ability to write good English is NOT enough. Those who advise you to design and create your own resume, are still living in the '70s and '80s when jobs were easy to find. Nowadays you'll need expert professional help.
Many "basic" or self-written resumes look like plain matzoh bread but today's recruiters expect cake with a cherry on the top -- your "SELL" or value. They are very "picky" buyers and the competition for jobs is frightening.

All job experts agree that your resume is your most important job search tool. "It is $till your most valuable credential" says John Lucht.

Your resume needs to compete and open doors to jobs that pay $30,000 to $120,000 or more. It is much more than one or two or three pages of paper. It is your personal-sales-representative-on-paper. Does it therefore make sense to try to create it yourself? Is there a better investment than spending money on a winning resume to advance your career? Probably not.
How much money are you trying to save? $150 on a $30,000 job? $200 on a $40K job? Or $300 on a job that pays $60-90K? Is that smart? A self-written resume that is plain or weak will NOT get responses. That will cost you $2,000 to $10,000 or even $50,000 in lost earnings, missed opportunities and time.
For recent college graduates to have spent $10,000 to $50,000 on their education and now risk everything by relying on their own writing skills, makes no sense at all. Your career in 2011 depends on it. That is why a resume is often regarded as the most important document you will ever need to write. Are there any resume experts on most campuses? NO!
And for any manager or executive to write his/her own resume in 2011, is inexcusable! In many cases, their self-written resume is quite well written but the first 10 -15 lines on Page 1 are simply NOT good enough or not focused. Many Branding Statements are utterly boring! Ask Sally the Screener!
It's all about getting a competitive edge on other applicants. A golfer wins a championship title by a single stroke. A horse wins a big race by a head. Those 10-15 lines are often make-or-break!
But far too many job seekers still feel they should create it themselves. They are mistaken! That type of thinking belongs to the 80's and 90's when jobs were plentiful.

Using sample resumes or examples or resume templates is NOT your answer.
And friends, English teachers or careers counselors CANNOT help you much in today's tough job market. They DON'T know enough about MARKETING.
Could you replace the heel of a shoe that a shoemaker takes only five minutes to do? Writing a resume is 100 times more challenging. IT TAKES HOURS AND HOURS OF EFFORT TO CREATE A GOOD ONE THAT WILL WORK FOR YOU.
Do you know how to address the employer's NEEDS? Most people don't know how to do this.
Can you be OBJECTIVE about your own skills, strengths and shortcomings? No, you can't!
Can you analyze yourself? Probably not! Most people CANNOT do this!
Do you know how to select the RIGHT RESUME FORMAT for your needs?

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Many people are terribly confused!

Do you know what to include and what to leave out? Or how to improve your job titles? These are tough decisions. Most people still include "red flag" items or negatives or turnoffs.
Do you know how to write a good Job Objective for 2011? Most people can't do this!

Are you still decorating your resume with 30-50 cute black bullets? Why? They won't impress anyone or help to get you hired nowadays.
If you are not spending money on a resume, are you still copying blindly from SAMPLES that were created well BEFORE the 2009 recession? They written for others with work histories that are different or with different resume problems such as age or too little or too much or unrelated work experience or too little formal education? Would you also take the medicines that were prescribed for them by their doctors? Of course not!

At best, COPYING FROM SAMPLE RESUMES IS ONLY A START. Samples do NOT reveal the secrets of what was left out and what had to be "fixed". Even worse, you CAN'T ask a sample resume any questions!

Are you still relying on outdated (or even recent) RESUME TEMPLATES? These CANNOT help you write a winning resume that stands out. Your resume will look like thousands of others!
Recruiters only know how to screen out a weak resume. They cannot write or construct a winning resume.
Teachers and Human Resources persons do NOT know the nuts-and-bolts of resume writing. They are like baseball catchers who can advise the pitcher on what type of ball or selection of pitches to throw. They CAN'T teach you the technical skills of a pitcher. Selling yourself means "pitching" your strengths and abilities to a new employer -- on paper and in person.
The BEST person to ask for help is a GOLD STARRED writer with lots of testimonials from successful clients. [ http://www.winning-resumes.com/testimonials.htm ]
As a resume expert with 24 years' experience, I know that most people are NOT very good at selling themselves on paper! It is an art -- the art of the advertising copywriter.
NOTE: Even if you have "perfect" qualifications and great writing skills, to sell yourself short on paper in 2011 can be a BIG mistake! You see, it's the applicant with the best resume that usually gets hired -- NOT the one with the best credentials. Is there a better reason to spend money on a resume?
To hire an experienced executive resume-writing professional would be a very smart move. He or she will increase your chances of being hired and also shorten the time your job search takes.
Moreover, the process of interacting with someone who has already assisted many others in similar situations, will benefit you in many ways. All in all, it may be one of the best and most profitable decisions you will ever make!

Austin Kiplinger, publisher of the Kiplinger Magazine, agrees about the importance of making an investment in your own career: "You are your own best investment!"
Please E-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote.

Tel.: 1-718-436-3504

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Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved

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It is shocking how many Senior Executive I.T. resumes are weakly presented on paper. To be well-written in perfect English is NOT enough -- it must also be PRESENTED strongly and formatted attractively. A resume is a MARKETING document.

Do I.T. folks really understand the Power of Presentation? Even if you face fierce competition, with a well-written AND effectively presented resume you should be invited to interviews far more often than others more qualified than you.

Here is a letter I usually write to many Senior-level I.T. Executives:

Dear Bob:

"I have carefully reviewed your resume and have very good news for you. You will NOT need to write different resumes at all. Your current resume is 95% of the problem.

Your opening 9-line Branding Statement will be screened out by 98 out of 100 recruiters because it is so boring. It does NOT work for you. A well-written Value Statement will be much more effective. Instead, a brand new 10-15 line Top will need to be constructed for you -- your Value Statement to replace the boring Branding Statement.

To clarify this, I quote you from my own #1 ranked article on the subject:
Click here: Effective Executive Resume - Google Search # 2

"The awful reality is that most executive and management resumes contain serious omissions and/or mistakes. Here are a few:

"The crucial value proposition or value statement or personal branding statement is either poorly worded or unclear or weak or has been omitted. SADLY, MOST PERSONAL BRANDING STATEMENTS ARE A VERY BORING PARAGRAPH. Thus, your main selling message or value statement will be unimpressive or confusing or missing. Nowadays, that could be fatal."

For this purpose, the Areas of Expertise on PAGE 3 may have some value but this has never appeared on Page 3 in all of resume writing history! Frankly, it's the most important section and not the least important.

The rest of your resume is actually well-written but as a PRESENTATION that needs to be read by recruiters it only rates a 1/10 or LESS. Why?

Because you have ignored or broken many marketing rules of presentation. The formatting is very unattractive and the facts are amateurishly presented and highlighted by "daisies". It will require a massive cosmetic exercise to make it appealing, scannable and readable. But this can and will be done. The difference will be like night and day.

At present it is a tragedy that your wonderful accomplishments may not even get read!! This must come as a shock to you but I swear that in my view, your accomplishments are NOT even going to be noticed. What a shame that your exceptional awards may not even be seen at the foot of Page 3.

All in all, your current resume is NOT a MARKETING piece and will easily fail another 100 times. It requires rewriting in the first 10-15 lines and new formatting and heavy cosmetic treatment for the rest of the resume.

The total cost will be very reasonable!!!

Let's talk. I truly want to assist you and I know what I can do for you.

Please do not hesitate to call (718-436-3504) for any further information or advice. In any event, I may need to call you again to obtain additional information.

Thank you again for your interest in my first-class resume service in which I do all of the writing. I do not farm out work and will do my best for you. In other resume services your work may be sourced out to unknown persons.


Matthew Greene

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