

Will it pay you to get professional help? Is it a good idea to spend money on a resume? Please review some of the possible benefits in the tabulation below:
Do you also know how much money you are losing by being out of work or not receiving the benefit of a 15 to 17 percent salary increase on accepting a new job? Please scroll down for six inches! Sorry.


Money You Lose Per Month if you are out of work:

If still employed in the wrong job, you lose wages by missing out on the 15% raise in a new job:



- $625


- $6,250

- $938


- $8,333

- $1,250



- $1,875


- $16,667

- $2,500


- $25,000

- $3,750

Can you afford NOT to have your resume improved by a skilled professional?

To spend money on your resume will truly be money very well spent. It will be far better and more cost effective than trying to write it yourself. Why?
Most job seekers CAN'T write a focused resume that will beat the competition in 2011. That's why most resumes get screened out and don't make it to first base. It will pay you handsomely to spend money on a resume and get professional help.

Skilled writers are trained to help you. They will advance your future career -- and EARNINGS. Professional help gives you a competitive edge or advantage. You need that!
The ability to write good English is NOT enough. Those who advise you to design and create your own resume, are still living in the '70s and '80s when jobs were easy to find. Nowadays you'll need expert professional help.
Many "basic" or self-written resumes look like plain matzoh bread but today's recruiters expect cake with a cherry on the top -- your "SELL" or value. They are very "picky" buyers and the competition for jobs is frightening.

All job experts agree that your resume is your most important job search tool. "It is $till your most valuable credential" says John Lucht.

Your resume needs to compete and open doors to jobs that pay $30,000 to $120,000 or more. It is much more than one or two or three pages of paper. It is your personal-sales-representative-on-paper. Does it therefore make sense to try to create it yourself? Is there a better investment than spending money on a winning resume to advance your career? Probably not.
How much money are you trying to save? $150 on a $30,000 job? $200 on a $40K job? Or $300 on a job that pays $60-90K? Is that smart? A self-written resume that is plain or weak will NOT get responses. That will cost you $2,000 to $10,000 or even $50,000 in lost earnings, missed opportunities and time.
For recent college graduates to have spent $10,000 to $50,000 on their education and now risk everything by relying on their own writing skills, makes no sense at all. Your career in 2011 depends on it. That is why a resume is often regarded as the most important document you will ever need to write. Are there any resume experts on most campuses? NO!
And for any manager or executive to write his/her own resume in 2011, is inexcusable! In many cases, their self-written resume is quite well written but the first 10 -15 lines on Page 1 are simply NOT good enough or not focused. Many Branding Statements are utterly boring! Ask Sally the Screener!
It's all about getting a competitive edge on other applicants. A golfer wins a championship title by a single stroke. A horse wins a big race by a head. Those 10-15 lines are often make-or-break!
But far too many job seekers still feel they should create it themselves. They are mistaken! That type of thinking belongs to the 80's and 90's when jobs were plentiful.

Using sample resumes or examples or resume templates is NOT your answer.
And friends, English teachers or careers counselors CANNOT help you much in today's tough job market. They DON'T know enough about MARKETING.
Could you replace the heel of a shoe that a shoemaker takes only five minutes to do? Writing a resume is 100 times more challenging. IT TAKES HOURS AND HOURS OF EFFORT TO CREATE A GOOD ONE THAT WILL WORK FOR YOU.
Do you know how to address the employer's NEEDS? Most people don't know how to do this.
Can you be OBJECTIVE about your own skills, strengths and shortcomings? No, you can't!
Can you analyze yourself? Probably not! Most people CANNOT do this!
Do you know how to select the RIGHT RESUME FORMAT for your needs?

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Many people are terribly confused!

Do you know what to include and what to leave out? Or how to improve your job titles? These are tough decisions. Most people still include "red flag" items or negatives or turnoffs.
Do you know how to write a good Job Objective for 2011? Most people can't do this!

Are you still decorating your resume with 30-50 cute black bullets? Why? They won't impress anyone or help to get you hired nowadays.
If you are not spending money on a resume, are you still copying blindly from SAMPLES that were created well BEFORE the 2009 recession? They written for others with work histories that are different or with different resume problems such as age or too little or too much or unrelated work experience or too little formal education? Would you also take the medicines that were prescribed for them by their doctors? Of course not!

At best, COPYING FROM SAMPLE RESUMES IS ONLY A START. Samples do NOT reveal the secrets of what was left out and what had to be "fixed". Even worse, you CAN'T ask a sample resume any questions!

Are you still relying on outdated (or even recent) RESUME TEMPLATES? These CANNOT help you write a winning resume that stands out. Your resume will look like thousands of others!
Recruiters only know how to screen out a weak resume. They cannot write or construct a winning resume.
Teachers and Human Resources persons do NOT know the nuts-and-bolts of resume writing. They are like baseball catchers who can advise the pitcher on what type of ball or selection of pitches to throw. They CAN'T teach you the technical skills of a pitcher. Selling yourself means "pitching" your strengths and abilities to a new employer -- on paper and in person.
The BEST person to ask for help is a GOLD STARRED writer with lots of testimonials from successful clients. [ http://www.winning-resumes.com/testimonials.htm ]
As a resume expert with 24 years' experience, I know that most people are NOT very good at selling themselves on paper! It is an art -- the art of the advertising copywriter.
NOTE: Even if you have "perfect" qualifications and great writing skills, to sell yourself short on paper in 2011 can be a BIG mistake! You see, it's the applicant with the best resume that usually gets hired -- NOT the one with the best credentials. Is there a better reason to spend money on a resume?
To hire an experienced executive resume-writing professional would be a very smart move. He or she will increase your chances of being hired and also shorten the time your job search takes.
Moreover, the process of interacting with someone who has already assisted many others in similar situations, will benefit you in many ways. All in all, it may be one of the best and most profitable decisions you will ever make!

Austin Kiplinger, publisher of the Kiplinger Magazine, agrees about the importance of making an investment in your own career: "You are your own best investment!"
Please E-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote.

Tel.: 1-718-436-3504

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Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved

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It is shocking how many Senior Executive I.T. resumes are weakly presented on paper. To be well-written in perfect English is NOT enough -- it must also be PRESENTED strongly and formatted attractively. A resume is a MARKETING document.

Do I.T. folks really understand the Power of Presentation? Even if you face fierce competition, with a well-written AND effectively presented resume you should be invited to interviews far more often than others more qualified than you.

Here is a letter I usually write to many Senior-level I.T. Executives:

Dear Bob:

"I have carefully reviewed your resume and have very good news for you. You will NOT need to write different resumes at all. Your current resume is 95% of the problem.

Your opening 9-line Branding Statement will be screened out by 98 out of 100 recruiters because it is so boring. It does NOT work for you. A well-written Value Statement will be much more effective. Instead, a brand new 10-15 line Top will need to be constructed for you -- your Value Statement to replace the boring Branding Statement.

To clarify this, I quote you from my own #1 ranked article on the subject:
Click here: Effective Executive Resume - Google Search # 2

"The awful reality is that most executive and management resumes contain serious omissions and/or mistakes. Here are a few:

"The crucial value proposition or value statement or personal branding statement is either poorly worded or unclear or weak or has been omitted. SADLY, MOST PERSONAL BRANDING STATEMENTS ARE A VERY BORING PARAGRAPH. Thus, your main selling message or value statement will be unimpressive or confusing or missing. Nowadays, that could be fatal."

For this purpose, the Areas of Expertise on PAGE 3 may have some value but this has never appeared on Page 3 in all of resume writing history! Frankly, it's the most important section and not the least important.

The rest of your resume is actually well-written but as a PRESENTATION that needs to be read by recruiters it only rates a 1/10 or LESS. Why?

Because you have ignored or broken many marketing rules of presentation. The formatting is very unattractive and the facts are amateurishly presented and highlighted by "daisies". It will require a massive cosmetic exercise to make it appealing, scannable and readable. But this can and will be done. The difference will be like night and day.

At present it is a tragedy that your wonderful accomplishments may not even get read!! This must come as a shock to you but I swear that in my view, your accomplishments are NOT even going to be noticed. What a shame that your exceptional awards may not even be seen at the foot of Page 3.

All in all, your current resume is NOT a MARKETING piece and will easily fail another 100 times. It requires rewriting in the first 10-15 lines and new formatting and heavy cosmetic treatment for the rest of the resume.

The total cost will be very reasonable!!!

Let's talk. I truly want to assist you and I know what I can do for you.

Please do not hesitate to call (718-436-3504) for any further information or advice. In any event, I may need to call you again to obtain additional information.

Thank you again for your interest in my first-class resume service in which I do all of the writing. I do not farm out work and will do my best for you. In other resume services your work may be sourced out to unknown persons.


Matthew Greene



Your good writing skills do NOT always help you to write a winning resume. They may actually HINDER you. They may also hold you back from seeking the professional help you need! This is a very common problem.

Many job seekers with strong writing skills, feel that they also know how to write a winning resume for 2011. They are very much mistaken. To MARKET oneself effectively on paper is a different ballgame. It is all about presentation.
For example, many majors in English, Writing, Marketing, and Communications believe that they are also "qualified" or have all of the required skills to write an effective resume. Wrong!

Unfortunately, they will have to learn the hard way -- by losing many job opportunities!
In my view, smart English graduates are those who have already learned that although they can write many different things, a winning resume is NOT one of them because this is more about Self-Marketing than about English 101. Job seekers with good writing skills are often their own worst enemies. Allthough every line has been well written and is in good English, the final resume does NOT work or as well as it should for other reasons.

Today's job seekers have to compete against the basic resumes written by other job seekers but also against the much better resumes written by professional writers

A resume prepared by a highly skilled professional writer will be stronger and more focused than one done by an amateur like yourself who has written only your own. That's why the input of a trained professional writer who has written resumes for hundreds of challenging clients, will often give your application a competitive or winning edge.


You need to ask yourself: "Am I qualified to write a winning or 'perfect' or 'tailored' resume for 2011?" I honestly don't think so! Not even after getting a bunch of "resume tips" from resume experts. Why? Because it takes a lot of skill and experience to write a winning resume.

That's why there is a very big risk you WON'T produce a resume to succeed in today's job market. Job hunting in 2011 is very tough. Nowadays, getting the right professional help is the SMART thing to do. (DON'T TRY TO BECOME AN EXPERT RESUME WRITER OVERNIGHT EVEN IF YOUR BUDGET IS TIGHT!)

Please e-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote.

Tel.: 1-718-436-3504
Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved

Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape



Many Information Technology (IT) job seekers do NOT present themselves properly and effectively on paper. They don't bother to "sell" themselves or write a Value Statement. In today's job market, many do not bother to address the specific requirements of jobs. That is always fatal!

An outstanding V.P. of Information Technology recently sent me a resume to evaluate because it was NOT working. It was written by himself and in perfect English but he had had NO response to seventy (70) mailed resumes to date. Why? This is what I found:

First, his vague 4-line Profile describing himself as a "Dynamic professional...." What does that mean?

Then followed his Education -- two very old college degrees dated 1996 and 1989 that should be recorded at the END of any senior-level resume and NOT up front like a recent graduate.

Next came his "Experience Summary" which was mislabeled. His three columns should have been described as "Core Competencies" or "Areas of Skill and/or Expertise or Experience". Such a weak 15-line opening was a killer. His resume was probably screened out in 15 seconds by Sally the Screener.

Next, this executive presented his "Experience Highlights" which were NOT highlights at all -- 53 pretty black bullets that were all used WRONGLY because they failed to draw attention to anything in particular.

Worst of all, his outstanding accomplishments lay buried or hidden in the text!!! Not a single keyword was highlighted. All in all, his resume was crowded. The text was gray, boring and NOT scannable at all.

But this senior I.T. executive confidently assured me that he does tweak his resume -- to address the specific requirements of each and every job he applies for.

Despite this, he had had NO success at all in 70 attempts because there were too many things wrong with the resume. What other result could he possibly expect? He is still an AMATEUR resume writer who does not know how to present or MARKET his impressive accomplishments. The same applies to many, many self-written resumes. How about yours?

Albert Einstein once said that ''doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results, is insanity or madness.'' You need to realize that if you are searching for a job but you're not getting results, you need to change what you are doing or using.

Perhaps you should stop relying on your ability to write good English and learn more about marketing yourself on paper. You probably need a better and more effective job resume. Try visiting a first-class professional writer.

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Job hunting in 2011 is very tough. Nowadays, getting the right professional help is the SMART thing to do. (DON'T TRY TO BECOME AN EXPERT RESUME WRITER OVERNIGHT EVEN IF YOUR BUDGET IS TIGHT

Please e-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote.

Tel.: 1-718-436-3504
Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved

Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape



Why spend money on a resume in 2012? To pay money to get good professional help will always pay. A first-class resume writer is worth his or her weight in gold.

Some people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a new wardrobe to look good during interviews, yet they are not willing to spend money on a resume. That piece of paper holds the key to the job interview and to your future.

In 2012, a job resume that works is NOT a luxury item or expense. It is a necessity. It helps you get interviews and land a good job.

The average time to find a job is now 33.6 weeks -- more than 8 MONTHS -- according to September 2010 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If it takes you 33 weeks to find work, you are missing out on 33 weekly paychecks. That money is gone. Poof. Up in smoke. Can you afford that? Add in a mortgage, car payments, healthcare and it only gets worse. That's the real cost of unemployment if your resume is not getting you job interviews.
In my 24 years as a resume writer, I've often seen how only one or two hundred dollars or more spent on professional help to make a resume more effective, is money very well spent.
Patricia O. spent only $150 and was chosen out of hundreds for a position in New York City as Assistant Property Manager. She was NOT the best qualified candidate. They said she had the best resume!

On 23rd August, 2011 Edward P. obtained an "amazing" IT Management position at Amazon after spending $250 on an excellent tailored resume that covered a few bases.
Antonio S., an Assistant Inventory Control Director reported that his improved resume opened the doors to six retail department stores he was interested in. He was able to discover who might be interested in hiring him and at what salary. It was the least expensive way of exploring the job market at $40 per job interview for a senior-level position.

Robert R., a Mechanical Engineer with a knowledge of making cardiac stents, spent $300 on a resume and his income increased from $96,000 to $120,000 plus a bonus when he was hired by Guidant.
I could give you hundreds and hundreds of examples of how spending $125 or $150 or $200 or $300 on a resume, resulted in dramatic improvements in jobs and increased earnings. In my view, there is NO better investment of your money than on an effective resume. Such a resume can be opening doors for you while you're asleep in bed.
The BEST person to ask for help is a skilled writer with lots of testimonials from successful clients. [ http://www.winning-resumes.com/testimonials.htm]

Austin Kiplinger, publisher of the Kiplinger Magazine, agrees about the importance of making an investment in your own career: "You are your own best investment!"
Please E-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote.

Tel.: 1-718-436-3504



Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Do you know what to include and what to leave out?
Or how to improve your job titles? These are tough decisions. Most people still include "red flag" items or negatives or turnoffs.

Do you know how to write a good Job Objective for 2011? Most people can't do this!

Are you still decorating your resume with 30-50 cute black bullets? Why? They won't impress anyone or help to get you hired nowadays.
If you are not spending money on a resume, are you still copying blindly from SAMPLES that were created well BEFORE the 2009 recession? They written for others with work histories that are different or with different resume problems such as age or too little or too much or unrelated work experience or too little formal education? Would you also take the medicines that were prescribed for them by their doctors? Of course not!

At best, COPYING FROM SAMPLE RESUMES IS ONLY A START. Samples do NOT reveal the secrets of what was left out and what had to be "fixed". Even worse, you CAN'T ask a sample resume any questions!

Are you still relying on outdated (or even recent) RESUME TEMPLATES? These CANNOT help you write a winning resume that stands out. Your resume will look like thousands of others!
Recruiters only know how to screen out a weak resume. They cannot write or construct a winning resume.
Teachers and Human Resources persons do NOT know the nuts-and-bolts of resume writing. They are like baseball catchers who can advise the pitcher on what type of ball or selection of pitches to throw. They CAN'T teach you the technical skills of a pitcher. Selling yourself means "pitching" your strengths and abilities to a new employer -- on paper and in person.

The BEST person to ask for help is a GOLD STARRED writer with lots of testimonials from successful clients. [ http://www.winning-resumes.com/testimonials.htm ]
As a resume expert with 24 years' experience, I know that most people are NOT very good at selling themselves on paper! It is an art -- the art of the advertising copywriter.
NOTE: Even if you have "perfect" qualifications and great writing skills, to sell yourself short on paper in 2011 can be a BIG mistake! You see, it's the applicant with the best resume that usually gets hired -- NOT the one with the best credentials. Is there a better reason to spend money on a resume?
To hire an experienced executive resume-writing professional would be a very smart move. He or she will increase your chances of being hired and also shorten the time your job search takes.
Moreover, the process of interacting with someone who has already assisted many others in similar situations, will benefit you in many ways. All in all, it may be one of the best and most profitable decisions you will ever make!

Austin Kiplinger, publisher of the Kiplinger Magazine, agrees about the importance of making an investment in your own career: "You are your own best investment!"
Please E-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote.

Tel.: 1-718-436-3504



Be Smart. You need to write slightly different resumes with different Objectives aimed at different audiences. If you're smart, you can beat this recession!

TWEAK YOUR RESUME a little each time in order to focus it better and/or target a specific job. It will help employers to hire you, even in this recession.

A properly FOCUSED resume is a MUST in today's job market. To land interviews, your resume needs to have a theme or focus that will present your "case" to the reader.

Even stronger will be a TARGETED resume that addresses an employer's specific needs as stated in the job advertisement. Here your related skills, experience, and accomplishments should all be highlighted. Such items are your "sell". They present your value as a candidate who will be a good "fit" for the position -- IN THE FIRST 10 LINES OF THE RESUME.

You need a "Smart" Resume in a Bad Job Market

A "SMART" resume is therefore not only focused but also targets the recruiter's specific requirements.

Vague and "general" resumes are "DUMB" and don't work in a recession. Nor will a single-all-purpose-resume-for-all-jobs. To land job interviews, resumes need to be focused and targeted. In short, they need to be "SMART"!

Sadly, many job seekers continue to write a single unfocused or "general" resume with a vague job objective that asks the employer to "utilize all of your skills, experience and education.". That is fatal in a recession. Nowadays that employer might be looking for someone with specific "I.T. skills" or "negotiating skills" or "strategic planning skills" or "customer interfacing skills". EMPLOYERS ARE SPECIFIC SO YOU CANNOT BE VAGUE.

The more FOCUSED you and your resume can be, the more successful your job search will be in this recession.

The hardest job to find – NOT the easiest – is what anxious job seekers refer to as "any job." No employer has such a poorly defined position available. Neither will you see "any job" advertised in any newspaper.

TARGET specific employers and specific jobs with a tailor-made resume.

State a JOB OBJECTIVE that says two things – what you are looking for and what job-related experience, accomplishments and skills you are offering. This will tell an employer that you are addressing his or her specific needs and also indicates that you know what you want to do. It expresses your focus and, above all, presents your VALUE – what you are bringing to the table. All recruiters will be impressed by that in this recession or Depression.

By TAILORING your Job Objective, you will actually be helping employers to hire you. You can later change that Objective as often as you need to. Use your keyboard to focus or refocus your resume. Simply adjust a few words or lines each time – mainly in the Job Objective and SUMMARY sections of your resume.

In a recession, it is silly to leave out a good Objective and be vague. Recruiters don't like to play guessing games. Why should the reader bother to figure out the level and type of work that you are interested in?

Focusing or targeting or tailoring your resume is not easy and you may need to consult with a professional resume writer. He or she will have the expertise to present your value in the best way, especially how you have made a difference for others and are able to do so again for a new employer.

To know what you want, is the first step: What are you looking for?

"If you don't know where you're going,
You'll end up somewhere else."

-- Yogi Berra

[Note: As a rule, employment agencies and headhunters don't care too much for JOB OBJECTIVES. Why? Because they need to place you in any job, whether suitable or not. Always remember that such agents are salespersons. They work for their commission and your job satisfaction is only a secondary consideration.]


Tel.: 1-718-436-3504

Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved.

Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape



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Using any lazy, fill-in-the-blanks type of resume building software can only result in a very weak and "basic" resume.

This will be a GENERIC resume -- not the strong and focused resume you need to succeed today. Today's job resume needs to be a MARKETING document that sells you to tough employers -- in advance.

While resume software may help you to organize your information, it WON'T and it CAN'T help you to SELL YOURSELF. With so many resumes and cover letters streaming in, your resume needs to do most or all of the selling -- up front. That's what a tailored resume does. Employers don't have time to read cover letters that are usually boring, amateurish and unfocused!

Let's do a quick reality check:

1. Will the resume building or resume creation software show you where and how to SELL yourself in the resume? NO!

2. Does the resume building software help you to analyze, identify and express your best "SELLING POINTS"? NO!

3. Will it show you where and how to address or target the employer's specific needs or job requirements? DEFINITELY NOT!

4. Does resume creation software show you what to include and what to leave out? NO! It leaves those crucial decisions for you to make.

5. Will the resume building software show you how to deal with too much or a lack of experience or too much or too little formal education? NO!

6. Does any resume building software help you "fix" your resume blemishes (such as gaps in employment) or how to deal with other potentially fatal "red flags"? DEFINITELY NOT!

7. Can you ask the resume building software any tough QUESTIONS? Of course not! It's only dumb software -- not a real live professional resume writer.In short, resume building software gives you a false sense of security. It makes you believe that it helps you create a winning resume. But 95 times out of 100, this will NOT happen! You will only create another GENERIC resume that will be screened out in less than 20 seconds. I know.

What about on-line resume services (with a terrific website) that offer you a "Resume and Cover Letter builder." This morning, a desperate and urgent client, Bob V., sent me the resume he had prepared online with a resume outfit that invites you to "Write A Great Resume Online!"

Bob had used their "Resume BUILDER and PUBLISHER" but his Sales Manager resume was a complete disaster -- as a MARKETING document. It had NO "sell" and had been produced by filling-in-the-blanks! His dates made him look like an unstable "job hopper" and not a single one of his accomplishments was highlighted in any way. Bob had to pay me $125 to focus the resume and convert it into a marketing document suitable for a Territory Sales Manager. It worked!

The exercise of preparing your resume carefully to sell or market you on paper, has another huge benefit.

"The process of preparing your resume is also the best interview preparation a person could have."

This is the view of James X, my respected blogger and he is 100% correct. Working with a professional writer will involve doing the necessary "homework" and also prepare you for job interviews. This valuable process of interaction and preparation is NOT included in any cheap resume building software package or is offered by any "quicky" online resume writing service.

DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN SOLVE YOUR RESUME WRITING PROBLEMS FOR ONLY $9 OR $49 OR $150? Please wake up and smell the coffee before resume creation software causes you to lose yet another job opportunity. In this recession, there are fewer jobs to apply for and you can't afford to miss out on any. Don't be "Penny wise but Pound foolish" as the English say.

E-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote. I promise to be reasonable.

Tel.: 1-718 436-3504

Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved
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Resume software WON'T help you build or write a winning resume. All you'll create is a weak resume that will NOT impress anyone. It WON'T help you to sell yourself to employers.

Recently, James X, a reader of this blog, wrote a comment: "You could do everyone a service by addressing the fill-in-the-blanks, cookie-cutter resume creation software that cranks out GENERIC 'resumes' that are harming careers."

During the past 25 years, I have checked out most resume software programs. These are quick, do-it-yourself resume writing "solutions" that DON'T help!

First, no one can create a winning resume in 60 minutes -- with or without this software. Many things will be wrong with it. Second, these programs DON'T show you how to sell yourself and that's the most important aspect of any resume.

Frankly, resume building software offers you a modern SNAKE OIL type of answer for your resume writing problems. Those programs DON'T help you create a good resume that will help you to get hired. Nevertheless, they are used by thousands of innocent job seekers who don't know any better. All they'll be able to create is a very weak basic resume. In this recession, that type of resume is worse than having NO resume at all. It will be screened out in seconds.

ALL resume software does NOT help you build a strong and effective resume for today's recession -- a focused or better still, a tailored resume with "sell". Such software and resume templates are a lazy "solution" intended for good times when jobs are plentiful.

Unfortunately, resume building software also fools you into believing that you'll construct a resume that will work for you. You WON'T. Not a chance! You need a tailored resume.

When you later find out that it does NOT work because it CAN'T work, you'll turn around and blame the job market. In fact, the GENERIC resume you produced CAN'T even start to compete against the custom-made resumes written by expert professional writers. Yours will look like thousands of other cookie-cutter resumes! All will end up in File C -- the circular file.

Frankly, you are wasting your time and money on any type of resume building or resume creation software. It may well be the cheapest way to create a resume but it is the WORST solution for trying to impress today's employers. You will lose job opportunities. Guaranteed!

Tel.: 1-718 436-3504

Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved
Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape




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Do you know how to write a winning resume in 2012?

Today, there are 7.5 million fewer jobs and the competition is awesome. Can your resume compete successfully for a job and win?

Are you still struggling to choose a suitable resume Format? (My most popular blog article is about Choosing the Best Resume Format.) Have you written a Profile that impresses no one? Most profiles are worse than useless. As an executive, have you composed an 8-line Branding Statement that bores readers and does not "sell" you? Amateur resume writers like yourself need to wake up and smell the coffee before you lose another job opportunity. Text Color

If you have not written a resume that gets interviews in the past 12 months, you are probably an AMATEUR writer. Are you still copying blindly from sample resumes or resume books? What about getting someone else's opinion about your resume?

"My friend, neighbor, parent or manager said my resume was fine." You need to be aware of the dangers of amateur critiques. Everyone has an opinion about resumes, but most people know almost nothing about how to construct a resume that generates job interviews.

Critiques by people who are not resume professionals, will result in a bewildering array of ill-informed, contradictory opinions. However well-meaning these may be, they are more likely to confuse you than to inform you. Worse yet, they are more likely to harm your job search than to help it. At the very least, these amateur resume critiques are almost certain to waste your time.


In 2012, the chances are that you DON'T know how to sell yourself and your own "ingredients" in the BEST or most effective way -- on paper and in person.

If you graduated in English with a GPA of 4.0, you have already realized or discovered that resume writing is an art and that you need help.

If you are a Manager or Executive or Senior Executive who still writes your own resume or asks your spouse to help you with it, then it's time for you to do a serious reality check. Which of you claims to be the resume writing expert? You, yourself? Your husband? Your wife? Your significant other? Your secretary? Your daughter?

The stakes are very high. We are talking about marketing your value, getting hired and then earning $50,000 to $150,000 in your next job.

Would you go to a dentist who had only seen six patients? Would you hire an accountant who had only prepared seven tax returns to do your taxes? Would you rely on a rookie doctor, if you were only his or her tenth patient? Won't you get a second opinion or consult with a specialist?

SO WHY ARE YOU STUBBORNLY TRYING TO WRITE YOUR OWN JOB RESUME? How many successful ones have you created in a tough buyer's market like today?
(It's not too difficult to write a basic resume when jobs are everywhere as they used to be.)

Do you feel that good English and writing skills are all you need to compose a "winning" resume or cover letter in 2012?
Resumes and cover letters are intended to sell you to picky employers. Do you feel that all it takes to write them is a knowledge of English plus good writing skills? Sadly, this won't be enough to create a paper that impresses a busy reader.

I have often heard clients say something like: "Matthew, what should I include? What can I safely omit? What must I emphasize? How do I focus it? What is the best FORMAT for me to use?" And so on. Important decisions need to be made and a knowledge of good English and writing skills are only the basics!

Can you be OBJECTIVE about your own plusses and minuses? Probably not!

Can you analyze your own skills and strengths -- fairly and objectively? To find out what these might be, you would need to be able to see yourself as other people see you. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to do this on your own. Nearly impossible.

This is where a skilled, professional resume writer can help -- someone with strong analytical skills who has already uncovered the skills and strengths of hundreds of job seekers. Such a person will help you discover what you are able to offer that employers might also need in 2011. (Career changers and returning-to-work homemakers, please note!)

At my own resume service, Winning-Resumes.com, I have met with many job seekers like you. I have found your experiences to be truly amazing – you've built businesses, invented and patented things for cardiac stents, run amazing marketing campaigns, designed and built technologies that fly spaceships, and drones that bomb targets hundreds of miles away. Your stories are very impressive.

But what you haven't done, is qualify as a professional resume writer. And, unfortunately, it shows. YOUR RESUME IS WEAK AND NOT EFFECTIVE!

You see, a resume is a document that that has to sell you, not a document that tells about everything you've ever done. Just like an advertisement, you need to tell the recruiter or hiring manager what you can do for them. Today.

What I've discovered over the 24 years I have been in this business is that it takes a professional writer who is familiar with what recruiters are looking for, to turn your resume into a very effective advertisement or presentation of your skills, talents, abilities and background.

Only about 5% of the resumes I review get an "A" from me. The vast majority are "B"s and "C"s.

That's unfortunate, because when I meet you in person, I can see the confident look in your eye as well as the fire in your belly – all of the great talents that aren't exhibited very clearly in the typical resume.

In this economy, I have to tell you, recruiters have lots and lots of candidates to choose from. I have seen the average number of applicants per job increase from 15 per job two years ago to 46 today. And that extra competition means you have about 15 SECONDS to stand out – to ensure that your audience can find exactly what they need to know about you, and find it fast.


Are you going to leave your fate in the hands of an AMATEUR resume writer like yourself? Please get help from a first-class professional resume writer.
Please E-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or chat.

mattgreene@aol.com Tel.: 1-718-436-3504

Copyright, 2006-2012 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved. Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape,


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Can your self-written resume beat the winning resumes of first-class professional writers? NO, not in this job market which is the most challenging ever.

For a resume to impress recruiters today, it needs to be a standout -- appealing, focused and preferrably tailored. Do you know how to do this? Most job seekers need professional help. (If you've written only 5-10 resumes so far, you are still an amateur as a resume writer. Frankly, you are probably NOT QUALIFIED to write a winning or tailored resume for 2011! It is NOT easy to do it.)

Always remember, the interview lands you the job, but the resume lands you the interview!

In 2011, a focused resume is the best job search tool. With hundreds of job seekers (both qualified and unqualified) applying for every vacancy, yours could be screened out in only five (5) to 15 seconds! Why? Mainly because it may look too "basic" or amateurish or incomplete! Homemade resumes do stand out but for the wrong reasons. Many are not only weak but unfocused, poorly formatted, badly organized, and unattractive!

Your resume is YOU-ON-PAPER. That's all that a perfect stranger or employer or recruiter can tell about you. How does it look? Does it "sell" you?

Would you go to a job interview without putting on make up or shaving your beard? Of course not; it may turn them off. But that's the kind of negative impression that a self-written resume often makes and Sally the Screener won't waste her time scanning it! Why should she? She has hundreds of better looking resumes to choose from. "When in doubt ... Screen out"!

By contrast, resumes revamped or improved by first-class resume writers will have lots of "eye appeal". Professional resumes are surviving the screening process and are generating interviews. How is yours doing? Is it an outdated resume that might have worked five or 10 years ago. Or is it a focused and tailored resume to beat the Recession of 2011? When last have you had a face-to-face job interview? How long have you been looking for work? Quitting on yourself is the worst thing you can do.

Good Resumes Are More Important Than Having The Best Qualifications

Have you noticed that the best candidates are NOT usually hired? A study by psychology professors Hunter & Schmidt in "Psychology Today" found a typical employment interview is only 7 percent more accurate than flipping a coin. This is because the typical interviewer doesn't know the right questions to ask and makes a decision based on their "gut feeling" about a candidate. In such cases, having the best resume often gets you hired, NOT being the best qualified. That's why so many of my semi-qualified clients get hired! I see this all of the time! Or is it due to my "wizardry with words" as one client described it?

Why do so many Communications and Marketing people fail to sell themselves? What's wrong with their self-written or homemade resumes?

After 24 years of resume writing, I agree that most job seekers are able to write a "basic" or plain-facts resume but NOT a winning resume. Some executive resumes will even be well written in perfect English with very little that needs to be changed or corrected. But the most important section on Page 1 may either be missing or very poorly done. As a result, it won't be EFFECTIVE and that is always fatal. In my experience, only 5 percent (5 in 100) are able to write a WINNING resume or cover letter in which they "sell" or market themselves EFFECTIVELY on Page 1 and elsewhere.

Even the best self-written resumes do NOT present your VALUE or "selling points" up front, do NOT highlight your KEYWORDS and sadly, your ACHIEVEMENTS or accomplishments may lie buried in the text where they will be overlooked. One reason for this failure, is that most job seekers still do NOT know how to use resume BULLETS correctly and effectively as highlighters. (30-50 black bullets will do nothing for you.)

Many do NOT know how to use WHITE SPACE properly because they are trying to get it all down on one page or two. Their resumes are too cramped and congested to be scanned and will be screened out because they look so gray and boring. One unsuccessful architect, even designed his own format but it was not designed to sell or market him! That's why more than 90% of all homemade resumes will probably be screened out in 10 seconds or less. Today's screeners are brutal!

And the continuing infatuation with the weak but elegant Garamond font is pathetic. I very seldom see an effective resume that is also elegant!

Most job seekers simply lack the skills required to sell themselves effectively on paper. One of these anxious job seekers recently wrote to me as follows:

"Dear Matt:

"Dear Matt, I have attached two versions of my resume and a cover letter for review. I must admit that I have a stack of resume books on my bookshelf but I just cannot construct the standout resume that I need. If feels as though I am in a rut and need help to get out." (Sales/Marketing Executive)

Another frustrated executive writes: "I don't know how to communicate my value in a resume even though most of my background is in Marketing and Communications."

I am NOT surprised. It is a mistake to think that your experience in Marketing or Communications will somehow give you an edge or advantage or even "qualify" you to write a winning resume. You may know very little about SELF-MARKETING which is the art of selling yourself in a resume i.e. presenting your value on paper.

Writing a good resume is very different from writing a great speech for President Obama or P.R. press releases for BP or packaging and marketing a new consumer product such as Rooibos Hair Growth Formula. Resume writing is a different ballgame. It's what professional resume writers do for a living and is an art. Hundreds and hundreds of English majors have already discovered this and hundreds of Marketing executives.

"Thanks Matt....

"I've been reading all the good stuff on your blog. I learned a lot from you today and want you to know that I have great respect for you and enjoyed talking things over. Thanks for the great lesson.

You're a genius. I learned more from you in 30 minutes than I did in 3 university-level Communications courses.

Your 25 years of experience can't be found in any textbook. I know this to be true because I have a library downstairs with more than 90 Marketing and Communications books. Always a pleasure Matt. Carl"

"Thank you for your honest feedback of my resume." -- I.T. Program Manager

"Matt: Thanks for your honesty. It does not bother me at all...I want my resume to be the best...whatever it takes." -- I.T. Learning Management Manager

I often ask job seekers to excuse my candor or frankness when I critique or evaluate their resumes, especially those that are NOT working. It's a FREE service I offer. I have been doing it for 25 years and am also the published author of Winning Resumes (Penguin). As a rule, I do know what I'm talking about and my critique is FREE. [Other top resume services may charge $75-100 for this indepth critique and there are also those who will send you a boilerplated resume review where 90% or more is identical for everyone. (L ......com is known to do this.)

If I am to suggest to you what, in my view, may be wrong or missing or needs to be "fixed" or improved, I cannot pull my punches. That won't help you much. I honestly feel that I don't need to spend time on being gentle or diplomatic or politically correct in trying to help you or even rescue your career. That is too important. Being out of work is costing you thousands of dollars! So, please accept my constructive criticism and try to forget about or set aside your pride of authorship for a moment -- even if it hurts.

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes..

The Awful Truth About Many Self-Written Job Resumes is That ...

The awful truth is that many homemade resumes commence with a poorly worded Job Objective or "Profile" or amateurish verbiage such as "Highlights" or "Highly motivated ..." or "Dedicated" or the very stale cliche, "Results oriented ...". Or with a weakly written "Executive Summary" that looks very much like everyone else's. Or with a poorly written or weak or confusing branding or value statement. Some senior executives may write about how enthusiastic and detail-oriented they are. There are also clumsy sentences that look like they were copied from the same sample resumes. All in all, I find such self-written efforts boring and they don't "sell" me. They won't impress or "sell" picky recruiters either.

Even perfectly written English sentences may have little or no value in marketing you! Always remember: "Writing is easy; It's choosing the order of the words that is difficult." -- Robert Wilson (Writers Digest). Good resume writing is much more than English 101. You cannot learn the art of effective resume writing by creating five or ten resumes. You will still be an amateur.

That's why so many well-written Marketing and Communications resumes don't get past Sally the Screener. Why? Because they look so similar and uninviting. They cannot be scanned in seconds. Nothing jumps out at the reader. No italics or bolds are used. Accomplishments lie buried or hidden in the gray text. Nothing is properly highlighted despite the 20-30 black bullets used. (These bullets are neither smart nor strategic. They are used decoratively. (Please visit: Management resume bullets must be smart - Google Search)

And some executives foolishly leave out a 10-line branding statement or value statement. Out of either arrogance or ignorance, they fail or omit to address any of the employer's needs upfront. Unfortunately, this is not 1990, so Sally the Screener is compelled to screen them out.

Why an Outstanding V.P. Failed 170 Times

An outstanding V.P. of Information Technology recently sent me a resume to evaluate because it was not working although it was written by himself and in perfect English. He had no response to over 170 mailed resumes to date. Why? This is what I found:

First, his vague 4-line Profile describing himself as a "Dynamic professional...." was nearly identical to hundreds of others. (Were they all copying from the same sample resumes?)

Then followed his Education -- two very old college degrees dated 1996 and 1989 that should be recorded at the END of any senior-level resume and NOT up front like a recent graduate.

Next came his "Experience Summary" which was mislabeled. His three columns should have been described as "Core Competencies" or "Areas of Skill and/or Expertise or Experience". Such a weak 15-line opening was a killer. His resume was probably screened out in only 15 seconds by Sally the Screener.

Next, this executive presented his "Experience Highlights" which were NOT highlights at all -- 53 pretty black bullets that were all used WRONGLY because they failed to draw attention to anything in particular.

Worst of all, his outstanding accomplishments lay buried or hidden in the text!!! Not a single keyword was highlighted. All in all, his resume was crowded. The text was gray, boring and NOT scannable at all.

But this senior I.T. executive confidently assured me that he does tweak his resume -- to address the specific requirements of each and every job he applies for.

Despite this, he had had no success at all in 170 attempts because there were too many things wrong with the resume. What other result could he possibly expect? He is still an AMATEUR resume writer who does not know how to present or MARKET his impressive accomplishments. The same applies to many, many self-written resumes. How about yours?

Albert Einstein once said that ''doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results, is insanity or madness.'' You need to realize that if you are searching for a job but you're not getting results, you need to change what you are doing or using.

Perhaps you should stop relying on your ability to write good English and learn more about marketing yourself on paper. You probably need a better and more effective job resume. Try visiting a first-class professional writer.

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Ineffective Resume of a National Sales & Marketing Manager

"Dear Matt: I know that my resume is outdated and needs some work. I also don't think it accurately reflects what I have accomplished or what I bring to the table."

"Dear Peter: Thank you for writing to me. You are 100% correct so please excuse my extreme candor . You have been using a very old resume template that was first included with Windows 98 about 12 years ago. Today's resume formats for Sales Management are much, much better and the formatting is different. Yours will NOT do you justice in this highly competitive job market.

First, the format needs be improved and modernized to make you look like today's accomplished Senior Sales & Marketing Executive. Your outdated resume can actually be beautiful and the change or makeover will be dramatic. (This is a classic Before and After resume scenario.)

Your Job Objective is very amateurish, weak and unsuitable. It will get you screened out. (Only God knows what all of your skills are -- not the average employer.)

Although the Experience section of your resume is well written and you do have an excellent track record and several accomplishments to offer, these lie buried or hidden in the text and may be overlooked by Sally the Screener. This is a very serious resume miótake.

Worst of all, there is no Value Proposition or Statement-- what you bring to the table which is a fatal mistake because a resume is a marketing document that has to impress the screener in 10-15 seconds. This crucial 10-15 line section needs to be created/developed/written for you.

However, the very good news is that your outdated resume can be transformed into an effective winning resume for today's job market at minimal cost and I will greatly enjoy assisting you.

When are you available for a FREE phone consult? I am on Eastern time. Do you have 2-3 suitable job ads to send me?

Regarding the cost. I will give you full credit for much of the actual writing and information in the Experience section and therefore my fee for the revamped and revitalized resume will be very reasonable. I do NOT charge top dollar!"

Without any hesitation, Peter ordered and received his revamped / improved Sales/Marketing resume in five business days on 6/25/10 and immediately wrote me as follows:

"Dear Matt: Thanks. It looks really great! I went through and made a few changes (hope that's ok!). I am very happy with how this has turned out -- a night and day difference from the original one I sent you!" -- Peter S., Miami, Florida

Believe me when I say that I am NOT trying to advertise or "peddle my wares". The best reason for hiring a first-class resume writer to assist you is because it is never easy to be OBJECTIVE about oneself. The well-known Scottish poet, Robbie (Auld Lang Syne) Burns understood the problem when he wrote: "O would some Power give us the gift / To (be able to) see ourselves as others see us."

Can you be objective about yourself? Are you comfortable writing about yourself? Can you identify your skills and strengths? Why should marketing experience qualify anyone to write a custom or tailored resume with a touch of creativity that gets attention and "sells"? Can everyone write good advertising copy? No! Can everyone bake a successful cake? Following a pastry recipe or adapting from a sample resume cannot produce spectacular results. It may be better to hire the special talents or gifts of a master baker or expert professional resume writer.

William Shakespeare advised you to ask an experienced shoemaker to repair your shoes -- not to try fixing your own!

Hundreds of Marketing and Communications people do not seem to understand what self-marketing is all about. Many do NOT know how to highlight keywords or draw attention to their accomplishments. A solid block of gray print does NOT have any "eye appeal". The "mashed potato" look will NOT enhance any resume! And pages and pages of elegant but gray Garamond print are lifeless and boring. They are definitely not scannable by Sally the Screener, especially nowadays when she can only give you 15 seconds of her time.

The reality is that if you've written only 5 or 10 resumes, you are still an AMATEUR as a resume writer and have not yet learned the art of marketing yourself effectively on paper. You need a skilled and experienced resume writer to help you -- one who has successfully written hundreds for successful clients. (Please check his or her testimonials.)

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Why Recruiters and H.R. Persons Cannot Write Winning Resumes

Recruiters usually screen out a resume in only 15 seconds. That's quite easy to do. But are they also able to write their own resume in order to avoid being screened out themselves? And are they really qualified to assist you to write yours?

In my experience, most H.R. persons do NOT know enough about selling or marketing themselves in a resume. You see, their experience of scanning, reading, critiquing, and screening out thousands of incoming resumes, does NOT teach them how to write their own. They can only criticize! (An H.R. person is like a baseball catcher who has handled thousands of balls but now tries to pitch or throw a single change-up or curve ball. Only pitchers are trained to do that.) To sell an idea or concept is often referred to as "pitching".

This morning I reviewed the resume of a worried Human Resources person who writes: "I have done much recruiting." This means she herself has previously reviewed (and screened out) hundreds of OTHER resumes. But in designing and writing her own resume, she is being screened out in seconds! Why?

First, in her Job Objective she tells the reader only what she wants or expects. It's all me-me-me. She ignores the employer's needs or requirements. Nowadays, that gets you screened out. As an HR person, she ought to know better!

Second, her entire resume consists of five run-on paragraphs or blocks of solid gray text. That's utterly BORING! Although her individual sentences are written in very good English, the five blocks of solid print look like "mashed potatoes". (For her Cover Letter she has written another boring page even though it contains good material.)

Like many H.R. people, she does know how to screen out the resumes of OTHER folks but NOT how to create and format a winning presentation (with eye appeal) of her own. Why? Because she has little or no training or understanding of how to market or sell herself on paper. (So DON'T ask H.R. persons or recruiters to help you write your resume! They can only advise you on what NOT to write.)

In 2011, after the downsizings, layoffs and bankruptcies, employers are receiving a daily avalanche of hundreds of resumes. Sally or Jim, the corporate Screeners have only 10-15 seconds to scan yours. Will your self-written resume impress them in a few seconds? I honestly DON'T think so!

Are you using the same job resume over and over again even if it's NOT working for you? Are you blaming this lack of success on the job market? How many identical resumes have you already sent to different jobs without results?

But even after a resume has been "tailored" or tweaked to fit specific jobs, a previously unsuccessful resume may continue to bomb or be screened out! Why? Because focusing or tailoring a resume may NOT "fix" resume mistakes or remove hidden resume blemishes or "red flags". Tailoring will also require the skill and experience of a trained professional writer who knows how to do it better than an amateur like yourself! (If you have written only 5 to 10 resumes to date, then you are still an "amateur" -- as a resume writer.) Please read: [ http://www.winning-resumes.com/best_way_to_advance.htm ]

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., rusumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Good Writing Skills Are NOT Always a Blessing. They May Prevent You From Creating a Winning Resume!

Job seekers with strong writing skills, mistakenly believe that they also know how to write a winning resume for 2011. But to MARKET oneself effectively on paper is a different ballgame. For example, many majors in English, Writing, Marketing, and Communications feel that they are also "qualified" or have all of the required skills to write an effective resume. Unfortunately, they are often dead wrong but have had to learn the hard way -- by losing many job opportunities! In my view, smart English graduates are those who have already learned that although they can write many different things, a winning resume is NOT one of them because it is a different ballgame that is more about Self-Marketing than English 101. Job seekers with good writing skills are often their own worst enemies and I have to point out that allthough every line has been well written and is in good English, the final resume does NOT work or as well as it should for other reasons.

Today's job seekers have to compete against the basic resumes written by other job seekers but also against the much better resumes written by professional writers.

A resume prepared by a highly skilled professional writer will be stronger and more focused than one done by an amateur like yourself who has written only your own. That's why the input of a trained professional writer who has written resumes for hundreds of challenging clients, will often give your application a competitive or winning edge.


You need to ask yourself: "Am I qualified to write a winning or 'perfect' or 'tailored' resume for 2011?" I honestly don't think so! Not even after getting a bunch of "resume tips" from resume experts. Why? Because it takes a lot of skill and experience to write a winning resume. That's why there is a big risk that you WON'T produce a resume to succeed in today's job market. Job hunting in 2011 is very tough. Nowadays, getting the right professional help is the SMART thing to do. (DON'T TRY TO BECOME AN EXPERT RESUME WRITER OVERNIGHT EVEN IF YOUR BUDGET IS TIGHT!)

Recently, a senior Sales and Marketing Executive in the Healthcare field requested a FREE evaluation of his resume. Although he had a good track record, the first 10-15 lines of his resume were a complete turnoff. The rest of the resume looked awful and was not scannable. No keyword was highlighted and his accomplishments lay buried in the text. So what did he do? "I have taken your advice and made drastic changes." Instead of looking awful as before, his "improved" resume is now just amateurish and weak. No sir, you CAN'T become an expert or effective resume writer overnight!

This marketing executive now feels that any further improvement or restructuring or revamping is unnecessary "because most resumes will be converted online into an electronic format anyhow". He does not realize that a poorly done executive resume will be even weaker in electronic or Notepad format! (An ASCII or text-based format will be needed to correct all of the usual deficiencies.) This is an extreme example of a stubborn or sceptical marketing executive who does not understand what the art of self-marketing is all about. Is this arrogance or ignorance? Unfortunately, he will need to learn the hard way that his luck may NOT change anytime soon in the highly competitive job market of 2011.

Similarly, I recently gave a free consultation to a senior Biologist who was seeking his first MANAGEMENT position. I also evaluated his current resume. His resume presentation was very weak because, like many other scientists, he didn't know how to sell himself. (That is NOT a criticism.) But imagine my surprise when I later heard that he is now trying to write his own focused resumes! How did this biologist suddenly learn to write a management resume to beat the competition in 2011. com/management_resume.htm . In order to "save" about $200-250, he may now lose job opportunities worth $200,000 in lost earnings. Is that smart?

A Senior Test Engineering Manager from Manchester, England asked his wife to convert his European style CV into an American resume. She was eager to help and soon found a resume template or sample to use. Her husband's resume now reads: "Highly motivated and results-orientated engineer with 33 years experience, etc . " Sadly, many American recruiters may screen out this resume in 5-10 seconds. Why? For three reasons: To describe a successful senior engineer and manager as "highly motivated" is amateurish. It is taken for granted. Second, the word "orientated" is British English and may be viewed as a typo in the U.S. where "oriented" is used (as in "detail-oriented"). Third, many American recruiters still discriminate against those with "33 years" experience who are viewed as "too old". Again, a short-term "savings" of $250 may result in missed job opportunities and lost income equivalent to one ၴhousand times that amount -- yes, potential losses of $250,000.

Clint Eastwood gave us very good advice in one of his movies: "A man (woman) must know his (her) limitations."

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

If you are a manager or executive, you should not even think of writing your own resume. It probably WON'T be as EFFECTIVE as it ought to be. In particular, your crucial value statement (in the top half of Page 1 of the resume) may NOT shine through as it should. (Please visit: Effective Executive Resumes by Matthew Greene )

This is one reason why millions of jobs are still not filled. (Visit: A Better Resume For Hard Times in 2011 at http://winning-resumes.com/better_resume.htm )

Hiring a skilled professional writer in this job market, has become the SMART and necessary thing to do!

So, what about the 50-year "tradition" that you should write it yourself? Here is the view of a recent college graduate:

Absolutely True! I agree. There is no person who knows you and your facts better than yourself. That's why there is no other or better person to write your resume than you. 2009-05-30 (name deleted)

Do you agree or disagree with this graduate who feels she should market herself on paper? I do NOT agree. Hundreds of English majors have realized that resume writing is an art and that it is never easy to write about oneself or present one's own skills snd strengths in a resume. In 2010, tens of thousands of anxious job seekers are hiring professionals to write it for them. Times and attitudes have changed!

Let's look at creating and writing a homemade resume in another way. It's all about presenting yourself in the best possible way -- on paper -- to a perfect stranger (recruiter or employer) who has never set eyes on you. It's almost like trying to get a blind date!

And talking about making presentations, would you be the right person to present your own case in Criminal Court because you may know the facts even better than your lawyer? I don't think so. It may be too risky. Rather leave it to your experienced lawyer to devise a winning strategy to get you acquitted. He or she will decide what facts to present to the judge and/or jury and what to say in his/her final Summation.

This is very similar to what an experienced professional resume writer will do for you in order to get you hired by an employer! Believe it or not, the mental process/es and strategy/ies involved are very similar.

Are you "qualified" to write your own resume or resumes in 2011? Can you select the best format in your case? Are you qualified to decide on the best length? Do you know how to focus it? Can you beat the efforts of trained professional writers?

How strong are your writing skills? Are you truly able to decide what to write about yourself and/or what to leave out? Do you know what to emphasize, where and how to do it? Can you detect any potential negatives or "red flag" items or other turnoffs that may be present in your resume? Are you good at writing about yourself or does this make you uncomfortable? Above all, do you know how to MARKET yourself on paper?

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

Most importantly, can you see yourself as a prospective employer will see you? You CAN'T because you would need to reverse your job search telescope. A professional writer will provide this type of OBJECTIVITY. He or she knows how employers and screeners think and what they are looking for.

Are you trained to analyze your own skills, strengths and abilities? Do you know the formal language of skills? Do you know how and where to present your achievements on paper? Do you know how to sell yourself in a resume? Very few people can do it properly and effectively.

Do you know how and where to address the employer's specific requirements in a resume? Most job seekers tend to mess up or sell themselves short. Good resume writing is the art of EFFECTIVE presentation or marketing.

In 2011, every job resume needs to an effective marketing tool with "sell" because it has to help you apply for a shrinking number of jobs. You can't blame the economy if your resume is not good enough to get you those interviews.

Will it help to copy from "perfect" sample resumes? Not much. That's what many people try to do but their resumes usually DON'T work as well as they should and they lose job opportunities.

Can you bake a successful cake? Creating a resume or resume writing is a lot like baking. It requires you to use all of your career and job "ingredients" in order to "bake the best resume cake" possible! But very, very few people are master bakers. It's an art and requires proper training. It is also creative.

After the Depression of the thirties, your father and his father were told to write vague and general resumes so as to keep HIS options open. But today's employers expect resumes to be focused and address their own and very specific needs. Your father's plain facts resume WON'T work in today's recession. (Some are saying it is another Depression.)

Times have really changed. From the 50's to the mid-90's, your English teacher was still the "resume expert" who taught you to write your first resume. You had to do it yourself -- to show that you could write good English. That's why even today, some of my resume writing clients still find it necessary to apologize for contacting a professional service: "I CAN WRITE IT MYSELF BUT I DON'T HAVE THE TIME".

They and you needn't apologize. As long ago as 1985, Ms. Magazine were very impressed by a resume I wrote and they definitely knew it had been done professionally . How did they react? They hired my client as Head Researcher!

Frankly, online writing services or even resume books that offer you a 10-minute resume or a 60-minute resume, are talking B.S. Here's another outrageous example: "In Only 3½ Minutes, You Can Quickly And Easily Crank Out A Killer Cover Letter That Is Guaranteed To Make Your Phone Ring Off The Hook... Without Writing A Word! "

It takes many hours to write a resume or cover letter that will work!

Photograph of Matthew Greene, M.Phil., resumé writer.Front cover Matthew Greene's book, Winning Resumes.

To hire a professional writer may have been frowned upon in 1971 but not in 2011. While it is true that many resume services are little more than factories or paper mills, nowadays some professional resume writers have credentials and belong to resume writing associations.

A select few have also written resume books based on their OWN writing experience. (In the past, a few best-selling authors had NOT created any resume except their own. This can only happen in America!)

All that a teacher or friend or spouse can show you is how to write a resume that sets out only your "facts" -- NOT your "sell". They don't know enough about MARKETING. That's why today's resume writing expert is no longer your English teacher but someone else who also knows how to MARKET you on paper and "sell" your value to an employer.

Employers are trying to cope with a daily avalanche of resumes. Most of these are badly organized, weakly constructed, poorly written and unfocused. Such resumes get screened out in seconds by Suzy or Jim the Screener. She/he decides who will be interviewed -- not her/his boss.

Forgive me for being blunt. In 2011, most job seekers like yourself need to stop wasting your time and money by trying to write a "perfect" resume. It is simply too time-consuming and nerve-wracking to try to do yourself.

In the past week I was asked to review three resumes that were supposed to have been rewritten and "improved" after an entire weekend of hard work. My opinion of them? Three wasted efforts that would NOT result in a single interview. All three job seekers had completely ignored what Suzy the Screener expects to see in their resumes.

Most experienced professional writers can improve your resume much more than you could. Their clients return most of the time feeling that it was worth the money.

Think of the shrinking number of job opportunities that you can't afford to lose. There are more layoffs and hiring freezes being announced each week. Rather let an expert resume writer help you to write or create a resume that works before your limited funds run out.

What is $125 or $150 or $200 or $250 or $300 (or more) to get more interviews or your next job or advance your career? But you first need to think and act like a WINNER. Then you'll also win in this horrible job market.


mattgreene@aol.com Tel.: 1-718-436-3504

Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved Tags: , , , , WRITE A RESUME IN 2011, WRITING RESUMES IN 2011,


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