Your good writing skills do NOT always help you to write a winning resume. They may actually HINDER you. They may also hold you back from seeking the professional help you need! This is a very common problem.
Many job seekers with strong writing skills, feel that they also know how to write a winning resume for 2011. They are very much mistaken. To MARKET oneself effectively on paper is a different ballgame. It is all about presentation.
For example, many majors in English, Writing, Marketing, and Communications believe that they are also "qualified" or have all of the required skills to write an effective resume. Wrong!
Unfortunately, they will have to learn the hard way -- by losing many job opportunities!
In my view, smart English graduates are those who have already learned that although they can write many different things, a winning resume is NOT one of them because this is more about Self-Marketing than about English 101. Job seekers with good writing skills are often their own worst enemies. Allthough every line has been well written and is in good English, the final resume does NOT work or as well as it should for other reasons.
Today's job seekers have to compete against the basic resumes written by other job seekers but also against the much better resumes written by professional writers
A resume prepared by a highly skilled professional writer will be stronger and more focused than one done by an amateur like yourself who has written only your own. That's why the input of a trained professional writer who has written resumes for hundreds of challenging clients, will often give your application a competitive or winning edge.
You need to ask yourself: "Am I qualified to write a winning or 'perfect' or 'tailored' resume for 2011?" I honestly don't think so! Not even after getting a bunch of "resume tips" from resume experts. Why? Because it takes a lot of skill and experience to write a winning resume.
That's why there is a very big risk you WON'T produce a resume to succeed in today's job market. Job hunting in 2011 is very tough. Nowadays, getting the right professional help is the SMART thing to do. (DON'T TRY TO BECOME AN EXPERT RESUME WRITER OVERNIGHT EVEN IF YOUR BUDGET IS TIGHT!)
Please e-mail or call me for a FREE consultation or price quote.
Tel.: 1-718-436-3504
Copyright, 2006-2011 by Matthew Greene. All rights reserved

1 comment:
Strong writing skills are required for resume writing but this is not enough. Need some experience in this.
Sample Resume Objectives
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